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Are school bus drivers permitted to use cell phones?

When Chicago parents let their children climb aboard the big yellow bus that takes them to school, they trust that the person behind the wheel is capable of transporting everyone safely. School bus drivers have precious cargo on board and as such must be fully alert at all times.

Distractions are an inherent part of driving a school bus. From the children on board to the traffic on the road, drivers have a lot to look out for. Such distractions can all too easily lead to accidents. Therefore, the last thing a school bus driver should be doing while operating a bus is making personal calls on a cellphone.

Still, the drivers should have some form of communication device with them in case of emergencies. So, what are the specific rules governing the use of cell phones or other such devices while driving a school bus in Illinois?

Emergency Use is Permitted

Well, while a driver is operating a school bus, he or she is permitted to contact any of the following during an emergency:

  • The fire department.
  • Hospitals.
  • Ambulance services.
  • Health clinics or doctors? offices.
  • Emergency response operators.

Additionally, a driver can use a cellular device for making calls for help if the bus experiences mechanical issues. He or she may also use the phone to get in touch with school officials regarding matters pertaining to the safety and welfare of the passengers on board.

School bus drivers are not permitted to contact any persons or entities beyond what is mentioned above. The use of cellular devices for personal calls is strictly forbidden.

Contact Our Illinois Attorneys

If your child suffers an injury that may have been caused by a negligent school bus driver who was unnecessarily distracted by a cellphone or for any other reason, you may have grounds for a civil suit. Contacting an Illinois personal injury attorney may be the first step in securing compensation for expenses as well as pain and suffering.
