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Truck drivers have duty to adjust driving to road conditions

Traveling in proximity to big rig trucks can make even experienced motorists nervous. And driving near big rig trucks can be especially daunting during the winter months. This can be especially true if there is water or slush on the road. It is all too easy for a truck to cover your windshield with a coat of mist or to throw slush into the path of your vehicle, making driving extremely hazardous.

Matters can be made that much worse during periods of inclement weather if truck drivers fail to slow down to more reasonable speeds. Trucks generally have a center of gravity that is higher than that of other vehicles, which could make them more prone to rolling over should they lose control.

What's more, in the best of conditions, trucks can have difficulty coming to sudden stops or making quick maneuvers to avoid other vehicles. But slick roads can make it nearly impossible for a driver to come to a safe stop should the need arise while traveling at a rapid rate of speed.

But even if the road conditions merit caution, truck drivers are often under pressure to maintain very tight schedules. Failing to meet the demands of their employers or clients can cause truck drivers to lose money or even their jobs. So all too often they are motivated to keep moving as fast as they can manage.

But the combination of a hurried driver and a slippery winter road can spell disaster. If you or a family member should be involved in a truck accident that was the result of a driver traveling too fast given the road conditions, you may have cause to pursue compensation, either by filing an insurance claim or bringing a lawsuit against the liable party or parties.

Truck accident cases can involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, his or her employer and their insurance companies. As such, you may want to have an experienced truck accident attorney to represent your interests.