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Morici, Longo & Associates

Who Is Responsible for a Work Injury?

Workplace injuries happen all the time, leaving individuals to deal with the aftermath of filing a workers’ compensation claim or navigating the legal matters that follow. However, it can also be a confusing time for those who have been harmed.

Knowing who is responsible for a workplace accident and injury means knowing what rights and options you may have. While most injuries that occur at work go through a workers’ compensation claim, there are some situations that can change this.

Can a Co-Worker Be Responsible?

This is one of the cases that can put an individual at fault for an injury occurring in the workplace. If a co-worker is blatantly negligent, it can cause significant harm to someone else, especially in industries where safety and attention to detail are high priorities.

When Is an Owner Negligent?

While most cases of workers’ compensation come in lieu of a lawsuit, there are sometimes where the injury is not caused by an accident. It’s wanton disregard for the safety of employees that can also cause harm. When this happens, the employer may be the responsible party.

Other Situations to Consider

For some situations, the negligence may not be from any individual in the workplace. In fact, it can be an outside third party who may be responsible for the injuries sustained. This occurs when manufacturers are negligent or reckless in their actions.

Manufacturers must ensure their machines or other items work properly and there are proper safety precautions in place for their machines before operators use them. Without warnings or proper manufacturing of the items, the worker can be injured and a third-party lawsuit may be necessary.

Our Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys at Morici, Longo & Associates recognize how serious of a situation this can be. We know that negligence plays a large role in work injuries. We also know that injured workers shouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath on their own.

We aim to stand by your side every step of the way and help guide you through the complex matters. Trust that we are here to fight for your rights to compensation and we do whatever we can to help you seek the most favorable outcome possible.

To schedule a free consultation with a skilled legal advocate, call us at (312) 779-0366 today.
