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What can children do to remain safe at a school bus stop?


It is perfectly normal for Chicago parents to have safety concerns for their children who ride the bus to school. In particular, smaller children are very vulnerable when venturing anywhere near traffic.

As we have written on this blog, there are laws that motorists must obey when in the vicinity of a halted school bus. A serious accident could occur should a driver not exercise caution as children get on or off a bus.

We can help keep children safe by teaching them safety rules. So, what should a child keep in mind while waiting at a school bus stop? The National Safety Council offers the following tips to tell children:

  • When waiting for the bus, do not play around?and keep away from?the road.
  • Before moving to board or exit the bus, allow it to come to a complete stop.
  • To avoid tripping, always grab the handrail when using the stairs to get on or off the bus.
  • Give yourself enough time so that you do not have to rush to arrive at the bus stop.
  • Follow the bus driver's instructions. Be respectful and polite to the driver.

When children follow rules such as the ones listed above, they greatly improve their chances of staying safe at school bus stops. But it is the adults who must be extra careful. Motorists must always stop when signaled to do so by the lights and signs on school buses. If a driver ignores these signals, he or she could strike a child.

A child who has been hit by an automobile could suffer life-altering injuries. The child might even need long-term care and special accommodations. If such an unfortunate event occurs and your child is harmed in an accident, an Illinois personal injury attorney may be able to provide you with assistance in getting fair compensation.
